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Author Topic: Would you still detect a site where the owner wants everything?  (Read 11630 times)
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« on: April 13, 2020, 08:43:57 PM »

As  you might know, I fairly recently got a permission in South Glos - I've been there quite a few times, and whilst finds are few, I have managed one denarius, one gold hammered and one silver shilling of Elizabeth I.

I always ask if it is ok to go there, and show them everything I find.

Today they have asked me to make a catalogue of everything I've found (they are hoping I have kept everything) - and make a display of all my finds.

Now, given that haven't asked for anything before, I will suppose have to give them everything - including the gold hammered - but I see no point in dragging myself around an almost empty farm for absolutely nothing.

I never sell anything I find, but I'm also not just motivated by the thought of finding something - especially as I can go to my local permissions without having to shell out for so much petrol.

What would you guys do? I'll make a display - when I have time (I'm still in work in all of this) - but I don't think I'll be returning after that.
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« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 09:46:22 PM »

It's a hard call mate,, everyone says tectin is just good to be out and finds are a bonus😁 why don't you just give the guy a half share it's what we supposed to do anyway ( I have finders contracts with several farms), it's the guys land and of course any finds on that land automatically belong to him ( unless he's a Tennant farmer etc) if you was finding a lot of low value items on said farm I would say yea go back but if everything your finding he wants then seems like many wasted days to me,, always said its never a good idea to broadcast everything you find ( unless as stated there is a contract).
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« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 10:07:53 PM »

If there were plenty of things to find, I probably wouldn't mind. I've only really gone back because of the goldie. I even offered them half the value of the stuff I found - but there's just so little - apart from the usual blank buttons - and there are precious few of those too, that I just feel a bit disappointed.

I'm not a fisherman, so I don't get the 'well you're outside in the countryside' bit - yes - it is good to get out - but I find the days where I find nothing really hard. I don't sell anything - I'm not in it to make money from it - I started out as a collector - that's really what I'm interested in.

I'll just have to see what they want to display first I think; looks like I'm coming to the end of this game.
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« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 10:13:30 PM »

Not being funny Roland but most sites don't produce a lot these days so the finds are becoming more of a bonus, if this farmer wants to keep the finds hand em over and say bye( once bitten twice shy in my book) I'm sure like me you've got loads of sites to go on and the more you keep looking the more you will find as I'm sure you know.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 10:16:02 PM by carling2 » Logged
Val Beechey
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« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 12:30:53 AM »

I don’t think I’d humour him with a display. Sounds like a bit of an ask. If he wants all the finds to date and into perpetuity it’d be a ‘no thanks’ from me.  What’s the point.
Yes we all love getting out and it’s all the more appealing right now but we also love the thrill of the hunt and gloating over the occasional nice find.
Personally I’d just bag up what you’ve found so far and hand it over if that’s what he wants. Buttons as well as any scrap you’ve found then thank him for his kindness and tell him, strait out, you won’t be returning.
If he should mention a display just say sorry but you’re not a handy sort of person and don’t have the tools.
I’ve heard this sort of situation crop up before and it never ends well. Cut your loses and get out. Put it down to experience and don’t look back.

Ever Optimistic, it's out there somewhere - And I Found it
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« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 09:13:50 AM »

I've got  to agree with  Val , this farmer  wants his cake and  to eat it. Half shares is a fair compromise, he would be getting  more  than he deserves then. If he doesn't  want to go  halfway  just  give him the finds and put  it down  as a bad experience.
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« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2020, 09:20:38 AM »

Hopefully this will upload - I've had problems with images on this site recenlty.

This is what I found last time - I explained what everything was - they even want this.

tbf - the landowner doesn't mind so much - it is his partner who asked me for the display, etc. - and not in a nasty way at all, I should add , it's just really depressing.

* TetburyMarch.jpg (388.93 KB, 967x847 - viewed 3203 times.)
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« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2020, 09:44:43 AM »

Oh my life mate that's bad, just give em what they ask for seem as they know you found gold hammered etc ( tell em a mate tested it for you and found it was fake so ya binned it 😁)  I wouldn't go there again as you might as well just go there and offer to clear the scrap of the fields for em.. As val says tell em to make there own cabinet and say see ya,,, then go get yourself some more land where the farmer don't want rivets, washers etc. And fer christ sake if ya going to show em everything get a contract in place a to secure your permission b to stop rubbish like this happening again. Don't let it get to ya plenty more and better finds about than that farm even some gold 1s somewhere time to move on mate,, I said in a post not so long ago farmers ain't stupid they know anybody don't keep going to a farm just to look at the scenery,, contracts people and In my case having lots of perms is a good thing as there's always somewhere to go and you ain't at 1 farm all the time,, some of my perms I go to 2/3 times a year I don't think I've ever had a farmer telling me I must be finding stuff as I'm always there 😁
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 10:18:15 AM by carling2 » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2020, 10:12:30 AM »

I also have lots of permissions, I have found that it’s very important to take the farmer though a contract and the treasure act so that they understand what you will keep and what he or she would get if it was classed as treasure.
Saying that I have two adjacent farms and the owners are related, one has no interest in the finds and tells me to carry on anytime, the other farmer and his wife are very interested in everything I find and want to know it’s exact location. Even after explaining that I would keep non treasure items they still request to have the more interesting items, I found have found it difficult to say no, but after the second nice silver, I decided to call it a day.
And now comes the twist, while walking my dog in January I passed his farm and he was coming out of the entrance, he called me over and said he had got permission on a farm about 5 miles away, the new farmer has no interest in any finds, so all’s well that ends well.
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« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2020, 10:28:55 AM »

See Roland me and Greg are in agreement now I know foresight is a brilliant thing to have but none of us possess it,, so put your tight farmer down to experience go look for more land and most importantly get some contracts printed and even more important than the last point don't let it get to you... Hh.
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« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2020, 10:47:28 AM »

I spent a good number of years trying to get this permission - I have worked with the owner's nephew - and he's a good friend of mine - for 13 years now.

I did talk over the treasure act and what would happen with things - they even know that everything the museum wants to record gets recorded.

I spoke to the nephew yesterday - his view is that his uncle and partner live different lives from us - and so probably just think you are out for a bit of exercise and would want to show off what was found at a dinner party or something.

He agrees with us all that I shouldn't make them a display - I have asked what they actually want to display - and other people have said - well if you make them a display now - what about in 2 years - would they want another one.....anyway he said I should just ignore the request - of course do a catalogue for them - once I've found out quite what they want cataloguing - not that there is much to do really - unless they want every metal scrap doing.... I have told them that I am already doing a catalogue for my other permission, but am waiting to hear back from the museum who I have asked to send me (and they agreed) pdfs of what I have found and they have recorded, so I can add those records.

In a sort of answer to Val, who said I must have lots of permissions:-

1) The farm my parents used to have a private dig on - this - at least what I detect is 560acres of mainly pasture. Everyone else has stopped detecting there because it is so empty
2) A permission of about 40acres, via a friend of my father's - but my father said the owner's wife was ill (she has since died) and so not to bother them for a while - haven't been back for over 2 years
3) A 24acre permission in Trellech - but on the north - been there once, found some junk, place criss-crossed with electric fences..
4) A small permission on the coast - with horses and chickens - found an old penny - been there once - lots of bits of scrap aluminium.
5) Two farms over from permission no. 1 - been granted permission, but every time I phone up it is too wet or too dry, or the farmer is on holiday, so never managed to detect there.
6) The one we are currently discussing - 1000acres in South Glos.

I also almost got a permission via my step-mother - it's one of her best friend's farms - but I got gazumped by a fellow local detectorist who then found a hoard on it and has got really arsey about me going there - so I've never been - did phone the farmer once, but he was busy - and the other detectorist always suggests that I might go there with him, but always suggests times I am in work.

I also used to have another permission close to the first farm, which would be quite good, but a local, detecting farmer told the land owner (I had permission from the tennant) - because he wanted to detect it instead, so that was 10 years ago.

There's another permission where the farmer nominally said yes, but wanted to check with the person who occasionally detected there - that was via someone at my missus' work - never heard back - and yes I've asked a few times.

I even asked a friend of mine who farms 1000acres just off the M4 - he did the same course at the same college as me - he said 'no' - several times - I think his dad thinks detectorists are bad or something - I asked just after they had found loads of holes on one of their fields just after the Cheltenham Festival, so it has probably coloured things - no one has ever been given permission there, but they did say, if they ever changed their minds they would let me on first.

The next farm over gave permission to some of my local detecting friends - they found some saxon stuff....

Anyway - there's talk of only another three weeks of massive economic damage to the country, so they might let us out mid May....
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« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2020, 01:01:31 PM »

God now I just feel greedy 😁but to be fair all my perms are localised, glad to hear you seem to be getting to the facts of this cabinet business but I do think your way off base with being allowed out may time,, when this lockdown started my estimate was a year or 2,, 18 months seems to be a popular time frame being chucked about by the gov at mo.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 04:34:42 AM by carling2 » Logged
Val Beechey
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« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2020, 02:46:21 PM »

Roland, I can see you’ve put a lot of effort into listing your other permissions but I would point out I didn’t mention other permissions.
I merely said, in short, give him everything, get out and put down to experience.

Still think it’s the thing to do.

Ever Optimistic, it's out there somewhere - And I Found it
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« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2020, 01:23:34 PM »

Roland, I can see you’ve put a lot of effort into listing your other permissions but I would point out I didn’t mention other permissions.
I merely said, in short, give him everything, get out and put down to experience.

Still think it’s the thing to do.

Ah -my mistake - it was Carling who said that!

It's one of those things though - if I had a lot of permissions - or even a few that were productive, then giving up this one wouldn't be too problematic Smiley - I'd love to have more permissions rouund my way - but they all seem to be divvied up already - by the large number of Cardiff detectorists / Cardiff Scan Club (although I am a member of Scan, so perhaps I shouldn't complain!).

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« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2020, 03:12:09 PM »

One Grot for the Farmer...And one Grot for the Pocket..

Anything of value a 50/50 split.... Smiley

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