Metal Detecting Discussions => Metal Detecting Discussions => Topic started by: dingdong on September 11, 2016, 06:11:45 PM

Title: Not nice !!
Post by: dingdong on September 11, 2016, 06:11:45 PM
Hi to you all,
I thought that the following piece may just make us all more aware.
A few weeks ago I happened to notice that I had at what I thought at the time was a small red patch on my shin which I initially thought was  either a   mozzi  bite or something,never thought much about it at the time,put some antiseptic cream on and thought no more about it....... UNTIL...!!!...I then noticed that it had also spread into other areas of my leg .. alarm bells ,what the hell's that...?....SO,off to the "Quacks"....quack takes one look a says...'its..RINGWORM !!!!....and apparently it's very,very easily caught from frequenting fields where cattle and sheep graze,aparently it can be caught by simply brushing against bushes ,barbed wire,or even sitting on the ground whilst having a bite to eat,apparently its not a worm its a spore like skin infection,and no it's NOT serious but it's bl***y itchy and uncomfortable,and also it is VERY CONTAGIOUS and can be passed on to others very easily.
I was given some super dooper ointment and now thankfully its virtually now gone.
But from now on when I'm out and about detecting the fields I'm very much aware of whats about,and remove my gloves,especially when taking a pee !!!....maybe that's sounds funny..!!
BUT..think again,you don't want RINGWORM..on the crown jewels you .?..!!!!!😟
Just a thought ......ok...👍

Title: Re: Not nice !!
Post by: Val Beechey on September 11, 2016, 08:09:45 PM
That's one of the most common things Vets catch.  Johns eldest Son had it some years ago, not long after he qualified. And guess where he had guessed it.  Very unpleasant and embarrassing for him at the time. hard lesson, well learned.

By the way, you mentioned a couple of weeks ago that you'd noticed what looked like brown powder stuck to the grass.  I've seen similar and it  was dried cow pee.  ;D

Title: Re: Not nice !!
Post by: dingdong on September 11, 2016, 08:27:44 PM
Oh my God Val.....that's awful,funny though,its the first time I've ever encountered it in such quantity,my boots and trouser bottoms were absolutely covered in the stuff...YUK !!!
Hopefully it will have been washed away by the time I get back on those fields again !!Still no word on my possible new permission,so fingers still crossed.
And it looks like my present permission is going to cease ...looks like the land has sold,although the farmer sai he would give me a mention to the new owners,ah well fingers well crossed...👍

Title: Re: Not nice !!
Post by: Bling (mark) on September 11, 2016, 08:31:47 PM
Nasty one Criss surprising what you can pick up only a fortnight ago my son had food poisoning.The health people phoned and said it was probably from birds or something after sitting on walls and grass when taking the
 dog for walks.

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