Metal Detecting Discussions => Beach Detecting => Topic started by: Resurgam on June 03, 2016, 06:55:02 PM

Title: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Resurgam on June 03, 2016, 06:55:02 PM
                         Well, had a return trip to the beach with the Safari+Nel Big Coil last Sunday but took an Evolution sand scoop and a bungee harness with me for good measure. Still finding the Safari+Big coil to be somewhat frustrating, despite trying to use the harness. Nothing wrong with the harness; it just restricted my coil swing and I couldn't quite get the hang of it and eventually uncoupled it and suffered the weight problem.

                        As for the Evolution sand scoop, a superb bit o' kit, I found that it eased the stress on my lower back when digging; that is unless I was trying to go deep in the very wet sand. I wish I had bought a sand scoop years ago. Perhaps with a little bit of fine tuning, I may eventually get the hang of the bungee harness.  ::)

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Val Beechey on June 03, 2016, 09:02:54 PM
Hats off to you Chris. You're really having a go with the 'big boys toys'.
Did you notice adt69 was selling a sand scoop for £80. I saw it and thought of you. That's the sort of thing that happens to me. Always wise after the event.
Best of luck with the harness. I use a very simple belt attachment. It saves having to put machine on ground to dig and if I shorten the stem a bit it will take some of the weight if I need a bit of a break, especially working up hill.
Hope your efforts bring some rewards.

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Resurgam on June 04, 2016, 07:53:31 AM
Hi Val,
             not having to put the detector down and allowing it to hang along side me was a nice move and it cut down a lot of the bending. Having always dragged my spade behind me, I did the same with the sand scoop and thought "this bloomin thing is getting heavy", only to turn around and see that the scoop had filled with sand as I dragged it after me.  ::)

             Going to remove the Big coil and keep it for special projects; as with the small Snake Coil. I reckon that the Safari+Harness+ sand scoop and a smaller coil will make life a lot easier on the back and cut out all that.

             Got the results of some x-rays and the doc informed me that I now have mild arthritis of the hip and lower back and I should remember that I'm not 21 any-more! Umfh! I didn't need reminding.  ::)

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Val Beechey on June 04, 2016, 08:21:33 AM
Ha Ha you think that's bad. Can't remember why now but on one of my few visits to the Doc, many years ago, as usual he waffled on for ever and it wasn't till I got home I remembered something he'd said.
Something like, well now your middle aged.  Arrrhhhh. What me ?  I was only 42 then and still thought I was in my prime.
Now of course I know I was. Wonder what that Doc would make of me now, 30 years on !!
Done the same as you with the accessories, been there, done that. All sounds great at the time but in practice it makes hard work of an outing. I even cleared some of the essentials out of my bag last time out. Poor old legs feel feel every extra ounce now.

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: dingdong on June 04, 2016, 06:17:11 PM
Hi to Val and Chris,yes this ageing process is "bloody awful"and as for carrying more than necessary...well not any more,gone are the days of heavy spades,heavy rucksack's,finds pouch filled sit all necessary paperwork,!!!
Extra coil bolts,penknife,and finally,gone are the days of heavy metal detectors,plus heavy coils,and now I've got a BRILLIANTLY light metal detector,which is great on land as well as the beach,one coil which serves me well for all occasion's
I also invested in a BRILLIANT harness (Pro-tectors) worth every penny of £40:00 !!
The only thing is,whats the next stage !!!....... frightening ain't it !!!

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Resurgam on June 06, 2016, 09:04:17 PM
Next stage....................forgetting why you are on the beach or field with this strange contraption!  :'(

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: dingdong on June 07, 2016, 03:59:00 PM
Hi ya Chris,i went down to the beach recently and was very surprised indeed,i thought my detector was a bit quiet,so looked behind me and instead of dragging my spade,i was dragging my golf trolly...what ever next !! :o ::).... LOL👍

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Resurgam on June 08, 2016, 02:00:31 PM
                    If you can still answer the calls of passion; you think that you are making love with a different lady each week!  :o  ;D

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: dingdong on June 08, 2016, 05:41:10 PM
Yea !! your wildest dreams !!!..... LOL👍

Title: Re: Returned to the beach well armed
Post by: Resurgam on June 08, 2016, 07:11:11 PM
                   Tis the same one; you just can't remember who she is any more!

                   I f it comes to that; you just can't remember what it is that you are supposed to be doing.  ::)

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