Metal Detecting Rallies => Rally Reports => Topic started by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:14:36 PM

Title: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:14:36 PM
Its become a bit of a tradition over recent years for the Detectingwales clan to gather together and don santa hats, reindeer antlers and Christmas puddings for a near-to-Christmas detecting session. Today was no different, and the theme for the day was confirmed as I approached the turning to the farm and saw Nick of (Norman Bates fame) dressed from head to toe as santa directing cars into the turning! A bit surreal for anyone else passing at 8.30 on a sunday morning, but pretty much what was to be expected by the DW masses!

I menitoned DW masses in the sentance before, and thats the best way to describe the gathering of over 100 eager detectorists. The normal intros started a tad different this week with an en-mass photo shoot for one of our kind sponsors (Treasure Hunting) who had provided a years subscription to Europes leading detecting magazine for one lucky token hunter. Another prize was a Garrett Pro-Pointer kindly donated by REGTONS  and a host of usefull and bizzare raffle prizes that were scheduled to be drawn at 1pm.

Our landscape for the day consisted of ploughed and gone to pasture, stubble and freshly turned potato fields. So basically a bit of everything.

Into the fields and the first find of note came from long standing DW supporter, Beachboy - who had a lovely example of a George III sixpence. Standing next to him was our very own George III lookalike who had a beauty of a silver thimble - nicely hallmarked with no dents or scratches I could see - well done Mike!

Next up was WaltonBasinMan with a flint blade that you can see the napping on and hinted at a Neolithic landscape. He was soon joined by finds from the Welsh Gold Miner who had a collection of items, including a hallmarked pewter spoon, a stirrup and a Royal; Artillary cap badge. Nice to meet you Andy - I hope you enjoyed yourself, and I'm sure we would all love to see some of the Welsh panned gold you mentioned. Welcome on board matey.

A Roman fibula appeared out of nowhere in the first stubble field and was soon joined by a Medieval Beehive thimble. Both decent finds that we would all be happy making. In the same field my ears were awash with news of a cut quarter, cut half and at least two complete hammered. With so many members all looking alike in Camo and Santa hats I struggled to track down the owners. I know Taff got some shots though and I dare say he'll add them to this report.

Back at Base Camp the raffle was well under way, and a big thanks to Proconsul for managing that, and suppling the vast array of prizes. The main prize of a Garrett Pro Pointer was won by Dave Ha, even though his mate Da Monkey wanted to swap it for a gold chocolate coin, we gave it to him anyway.

Whilst the raffle was taking place, DW's resident safe cracker and Forest fan - Deadlock (you must be sick of this by now mate) showed me a beaut of a livery button. I personally really like finding these and this one is a stand out example in my opinion featuring  a chap and a Latin motto, Another one not to disimilar turned up later and the One Armed Treorchy Bandit got a photo of it.

Another beaut of a silver thimble turned up for a new member and it was his first silver item ever - well done matey. Zeus equally was finding silver with a William III shilling love token that was just on the turn when it was lost. A big thanks to Zeus as well for letting one of our youngest members use his phone to call home - nice one Zeus, it was appreciated.

Back to the fields and GI Jan was amongst the silver with a 1911 sixpence along with a nice lead token. Her International Arms Dealer of a husband Charles (cheers mate for solving my friends rat problem) was making a few finds of his own including a curious piece of bronze I neglected to get a photo of - reminded us of a two bar fibula though. Not to be outdone the man mountain that is The Big Ox joined us with pockets of finds including numerous bronze rings, a musket ball and other bits.

The Big Ox had kindly made a personalised spade today for Roman Ray - a really nice looking spade, although I'm not sure how long the tinsel will last. Ray couldn't make the rally today, but I am sure he will thank you in due course.

Speaking of rings the "not so plastered in mud for once" - Ozzy Head Jo had unearthed a really curious example with what looks like grapes on the front of it. Apparently Cheffy found a similar one. I forgot to ask him, but I did get to see two joeys he had found! Now I think Chef said he had only found one joey (four pence) in all his time detecting - so two in one day in seperate fields had him a gibbering mess! Chef and I have had a debate for many years about three pences being called Joeys and it seemed apt the Cheffy had recovered two proper Joeys - well done Chef.

Nobby, who had spent the morning baby sitting, was amongst the finds on my return to the cars with a intaglio set in a Georgian mount. There were also a few coppers from George I to George III doing the rounds including the best Hibernian example I have seen in many moons falling to the coil of WMC.

That was me for the day, and I headed home as the sun was setting. I know of several other finds that came out including a GOLD cuff link, another fibula and several mysterious hammered coins.

Thanks for all your support this year guys. I personally have enjoyed every rally and its been a pleasure to spend the days with you all. We have lots planned for the new year so stay tuned.

Keep The Faith and Happy Christmas

Detecting Wales 2012 SANTAHATS rally (

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:20:10 PM
More photos

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:22:22 PM

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:24:26 PM

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:27:01 PM
And still more . . .

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Neil on December 09, 2012, 07:31:03 PM
Last ones - See you all in 2013!

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: legio11augustus on December 09, 2012, 08:59:25 PM
geat weather , great day and missmaggs have been a bit awol this year on the rally front,in fact the last one was the xmas rally last year..but we where met with smiling faces and a warm welcome ,thanks all involved another superb day out

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: wayno on December 09, 2012, 09:40:55 PM
HI All
Yet again had a good day with great company nice to see some faces that I have not seen a in a while.
Thanks all that organized these Rallies,
 This is the hammered now straightened. It was bent tighter than I first thought heated up about 15 times and cooled.

ID would be nice if possible

thank you

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Da Monkey on December 09, 2012, 10:46:51 PM
Great report Neil. Some great finds guys :)  That button is something else, the coat it was on must have been from one rich guy !   and Waynos short cross looks great, well done on the straigtening.  Thanks for a great day out yet again guys, enjoyed the company and the fresh air, look forward to the next one  ;D  

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: bymatt666 (byron) on December 09, 2012, 10:55:07 PM
what a great day !..... ;D....before the detecting started it was a choice of which hats that myself and jenks were to wear....... :-\.....the first was a bit "incognito" , thinking no-one would know us..... ; we opted for the flashing version.......

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: rjm on December 09, 2012, 11:24:22 PM

My find if the day was a rather large potato, from the potato field, which I cooked for tea!  ;D

Closely followed by a thimble and Georgian halfpenny.  :)

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Mike on December 10, 2012, 12:15:36 AM
great report neil nice to see a few old faces and lots of new ones , made a few good finds which is always a bonus , looking forward to the next rally and 2013 , merry xmas and a happy new year to one and all .

pic of ozzy head just before we all  called it a day  :) :)

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: proconsul on December 10, 2012, 12:56:04 PM
Great report as usual Neil. I forgot to mention in the general manic activity of doing the prize distribution for the token hunt that the coin case prize was kindly donated by Chef (Geoff).


Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: the-BANGOR-citizan on December 10, 2012, 01:47:33 PM
A great day as always. I love the banter on the day as much as the detecting and Melonhead and Casa Dos certainly made me smile once or twice. Viv (Beachboy) offered to put the rope on the tree if I wanted a quick end. Kevs quest for recruits to the Salvation Army hit a bit of a sticky patch. Melonhead pleased with his coin cleaning by Electrolisis is now going to attempt his eyebrows by the same method after a temporary blindness whilst in full swing  ;D Spoke to loads of members old and new but a special thanks to Byron (Bymatt 666) for the rescue of my ailing detector and as Christmas approaches I did think how our lost Member Farmer Phil would have enjoyed the day out as well. Sadly taken away at Xmas a couple of years ago. Still think of you Phil. I do think that Casa Dos after his accident of a few years back gets around the field so well and a happy retirement Kev. Look after that Anne and keep heer sweet and Finally thanks to Geoff Neil Rob and the Guvnors for a great day out. Here are a few pics.

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: the-BANGOR-citizan on December 10, 2012, 01:49:07 PM
Here is Procounsal in full on mode.

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: the-BANGOR-citizan on December 10, 2012, 01:51:49 PM
Should have said that it was not the same with no Roman Ray so see you soon fella. Here is Deadlock in full detecting mode with what looks like a Sky Dish on the end of his detector.

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: the-BANGOR-citizan on December 10, 2012, 01:54:43 PM
And finally the mystery detectorist issss.............. ?

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Roman (Ray) on December 10, 2012, 04:15:46 PM
Should have said that it was not the same with no Roman Ray so see you soon fella. Here is Deadlock in full detecting mode with what looks like a Sky Dish on the end of his detector.

cheers paul my friend..i must say i mist being there yesterday mate.hope i dont have a seizure on the morning of a D.W ralley ever again.


Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: WeCan-Octavian on December 10, 2012, 06:20:57 PM
Thanks for another great day, i didnt get a great deal just a viccy, edward and a couple of george coins plus the usual.

It was great to see you all, and hopefully again very soon!!!!


Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Roman (Ray) on December 10, 2012, 06:26:39 PM
another great write up neil.. of another great glad the ralley went smooth and everyone enjoyed themselves..welldone to all those who found
with some great finds coming up.welldone all.

Raymondoo !!

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: gijan on December 10, 2012, 06:29:14 PM
FAB day once again DW....laughed and chatted most of the day,,,great 2c new and old diggers,ur all a CRAZY bunch,,just our cup of tea,,,love 2u ALL cu on the next and the next dig........GI.JAN X ROLLINGSTONES63.......... :-* :-* :-* :-*.PS.....LOVED MY PREZI ROOKYPAIR...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTAKE CARE ROMAN{RAY}XXXX

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: beachboy (viv) on December 10, 2012, 07:23:46 PM
neil, as usual  a great write up and photo's, another brilliant D/W rally many thanks to rob,neil,geoff and chef, as always great crowd missed roman ray ,hope the next rally won't be to long away again many thanks.viv

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: ronniedigs on December 10, 2012, 08:11:28 PM
Great day out,usual good company.Always a friendly bunch of detectorists.Thanks to the organisers for their hard work through the year,and a MERRY XMAS to everyone.

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: DEADLOCK on December 11, 2012, 02:03:23 PM
Thsnks to all the mods on a great rally hsve merry xmas

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: nobby on December 11, 2012, 02:13:57 PM
really enjoyed myself, another cracking rally thenks DW ;D ......thought Charles wanted his money back at the end of the day when I spotted him coming through the gate with that rifle ;D

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Zeus (Joel) on December 11, 2012, 03:46:34 PM
Thanks to all who arranged the rally. Had a great time. Finds weren't for me today. Besides the William III love token here are a few others. Couple of nice buttons, Possibly a loom weight or 2 ?

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: GJH on December 11, 2012, 03:55:44 PM

 Just like to thank everyone concerned with organising the rally ,not many finds, but a realy good day out.(roll on the next one)

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: bobkoi on December 11, 2012, 08:56:05 PM

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: nobby on December 11, 2012, 08:59:24 PM
And finally the mystery detectorist issss.............. ?

ummmm is it your goodself ???

Title: Re: Detectingwales Rally 58 - Return of the Santas!
Post by: Merriman88 on December 11, 2012, 11:42:27 PM
Thanks to all who arranged the rally, had a good day. Managed the normal grotty coppers and buttons and a nice example of a cartwheel, will post pic if it cleans up nice

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