Usefull Programs For the T2


EMU Ex Minelabuser:
Hi all
Does anyone have any tried and tested programs for the t2 they would like to share please

Chef Geoff:
To start with I would set up the T2 like this, sens 75, disc 22, 2+ tones and dig all signals over 45...Coke nearly always comes in at 43.
If you get a site with little coke and want the extreme depth that the T2 can give then set your sens as high as pos, 1 tone and disc 21.
Or... all metal, 1 tone, very deep.
Great machines to use, I still miss mine.

Rob Two Spades:
I like to run mine noisy so I have sensitivity about 70 (but this can vary between 55 and 85 depending on soil conditions) and I have discrimination on 4 nearly always. If its a naily site I'll go with discrimination on 50. It's still very deep on 50. Finally on ploughed with lots of iron minerals I'll go with all metals and listen for clean signals.

EMU Ex Minelabuser:
the field i am in at the moment has a shed load of coke but they give a nice tight signal


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