No more belts or straps !!

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Hi to all....i was getting quite fed up with having my finds bag either around my waist,which i seemed to be always pulling back up,or,if I had it slung over my shoulder it would always slide around and get in the way when I was Digging out a target...SO..
I decided to do away with the strap and attach my finds bag by way of detachable plastic clips which I cheaply obtained from E -BAY...
Firstly I marked out with a pen where I was going to attach the clips,then cut of some webbing to the length required, attached the webbing through the clips, initially I used a spot of instant glue to the webbing onto the pre marked area.
Then I sewed around the pre stuck webbing to ensure good security.
And now for the finds bag I repeated the same procedure.
Now I have a finds bag that is totally detachable,and stays where it should be,and it doesn't move around...its BRILLIANT.
Well what do ya think ?
P.S:The actual waistcoat was ex military, initially it had that many ammunition pockets it was virtually unusable,so I stripped off the pouches,and initially used the waistcoat as a very comfortable bungee harness waistcoat.all the modifications subsequently followed.
Thanks for looking, and good hunting..👍

Good idea!

Trefor Meirionnydd:
I think it's a brilliant idea dingdong !

I used to use a belt around my waist but it kept pulling my trousers down. I've recently been trying a shoulder bag but it falls in front every time you bend over to dig. I'm not really happy with either of these but I do like your idea of a waistcoat/gilet with finds bag attached. Think I may try to sort out something similar that can go over the top of my coat.

Thanks for sharing!

Bling (mark):
Hi mate I've got a few work shirts that need altering nice handy work hint hint.

You should have taken out a patent, could have made your second million.
Very good idea 💡 keep the tips coming.


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