T2 v F75

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U.K. Brian:
Some will know that I had an early T2 from before they got into the U.S. detector stores. Great depth but poor build quality and intermittant problems so there was no way I would recommend it to anyone especially as the replacement I was provided with, though having the shaft improvements and updated software, didn't seem to have any raw power.

Managed to get my money back and held off until they started to be sold in the U.K. then bought another and when the F75 came out ran the two together for a few months.
Ended up selling the F75 and kept the T2 mainly for the wider discrimination down where we need it in ferrous.

Meanwhile a site appeared on the web covering the T2/F75 and then the later Bounty Hunter models. Andy NM's fisherF75.com Its a pretty balanced site giving details of the machines features and comparing one with another.
The F75 beat the T2 into second place on features and raw performance.
Andy is a dealer in Germany who sells these and other machines.

To cut a long story short, a year on and he's changed his mind. The important features of the Fisher he now concludes are not that important and he considers that the T2's performance has been upped to match that of the F75.
So for those wondering which to go for when buying new, the cheaper T2  is now not considered second best and is the better choice for European sites.

All I have to do now is find out at what point the performance was boosted !

Interesting that Brian, but still think the F75 appears to have a better build quality. Got myself a T2 just over 12 months ago and it is without doubt the best machine I have ever used for finding the goodies and seems to pick up the silver if it's there.
I think the prices have levelled out between the two now because of the cult following of the T2 and I think it would be fair to say that any competent T2 user wouldn't think twice about gettting another one if they could afford it.
They have certainly got it right with the machine, maybe it's the khz or the options you have for searching, I for one will keep using it until it retires!

U.K. Brian:
Won't argue re the build quality as the T2 has always lagged though the older ones can be returned to be fully upgraded.
Many don't realise that machines are often upgraded performance wise without the manufacturer making a fuss and adding X or Pro to the name and upping the price.

On the other hand Arado improved their machines between releases of new models without saying. Perhaps if they had done it a different way they would have still been in business in the last ten years. Fisher was the same. Often the first versions were pretty poor and the depth and discrimination would be crept up over a couple of years.

Hi Brian/Hedgehog  :) Maybe they upped the performance when they upped the price, T2 costs £749 now just £10 cheaper than the f75, which has gone up £220 since I got mine just over 2 years ago, I think the best deal at the moment is the F70, £300 cheaper  :o thats what Id go for, stick a 12x10 sef and still get a saving of £150.

your right max the t2 was £ioo cheaper than the f75 when they first came out.if you want good value for money deals ring pepsi piro if he can beat any other dealers price and make a profit it shows what other dealers are making and they got the cheek to make out their doing you a favour


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