Any member of the public that has lost an Item please read here first.


Tafflaff (Rob):
Detecting Wales now have over 1000 members. Members dedicated to their hobby and a willing to help the public.

  If you have lost something precious to you  example  A wedding ring , Car keys, farm equipment or any other metallic object , On the beach in your garden or farm, an experienced metal detectorist is probably your best chance of finding the item.

If you would like one of our members to visit the area of loss accompanied with you please reply to this thread with a new topic. stating:-

1/ What you've lost.
2/ When you lost it
3/ Type of ground (eg grass, sand ect.)
4/ Approximate area (do not give an exact area, town will do)

One of our site moderators/Admin will then  contact you via private message and arrange for our nearest member to contact you.

Please note , you will have to join this forum to post your request, dont worry though its free and quick to join.


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