Lost gold earring on Hereford allotment


Hi there,

Would any members be willing to help me find a gold hoop earring I lost while taking my woolly jumper off digging the weeds on my allotment in Hereford a few weeks ago? I know exactly where I was standing when it happened and have raked and sifted the soil but no luck...

The earring was a Christmas present from my husband and I'm very keen to find it.

Thanks, Naomi  :)

Val Beechey:
Hi Naomi,

Hope you find your earring. I s’pose you checked your jumper  ;)
Can’t volunteer, sorry, it’s a bit too far from Tenby but I’m sure someone will come to a ladies rescue as soon as they see your cry for help.

Thanks, yes I checked the jumper over and over again, I couldn't believe it disappeared, I didn't even move my feet but it was just gone.... thanks for replying, hopefully someone up this way wouldn't mind helping me out.


Send me a pm and maybe I could find it for you regards Alun.

Thanks Deadlock Alun, I have sent you a pm

Cheers, Naomi


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