Charity rally March 18th Eardisley Herefordshire


Radnor Bandit (Ian):
Hi guys . We are having another charity rally. This time in aid of SSAFA forces charity.
100 acres approx mixed ground pasture and fresh seeded
Cost £15 per head includes breakfast roll and hot drink on entry.
Also raffle and token hunt.
For details please email

Thank you Ian

Radnor Bandit (Ian):
Rally list is now full.
Thank you to all that have signed up.

That`s the area and village where my family lived going back to the 1750`s.

Will be strange to detect the fields that they may have worked over the centuries.

Radnor Bandit (Ian):
Apologies for the delay in posting.
After a delayed start due to the Sunday being cancelled by the bad weather. We went ahead on the following Saturday and although the turn out was slightly less than anticipated we still had a very good turn out, especially as Saturday is not as convienient for some peeps.
A big thank you for all you guys that stuck with us.
Many thanks to the FLO Peter Reville for attending and an even bigger thank you to Pat from the Hereford club whom gave up his day assisting Peter with the recording.
I know that quite a few decent finds were found that kept both of them busy most of the day
I would also like to thank you all on behalf of the land owners Jackie and Phil and the forces charity for all the kind and positive comments we had on the day.
The total raised after expenses was over £2000.
All the best and happy hunting


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