Rallys, Newsletters and directions


Tafflaff (Rob):
There has been a problem with newsletters being received to date.

   I would normally send out newsletters via the email system as this would ensure the news is received, whether members log onto detecting wales or not. Our membership is now nearly 2500 members and the program designed to send out the emails is timing out before the message can be sent to all members in the list.

There is a secondary problem in that members messages are reading 0, however when they check their inbox the sent message is actually in there.

Until this can be sorted I would advise that members log in to Detecting Wales as often as possible and check for the latest rally news/dates etc.

Directions will continue to be sent via the pm system and to date we have not had a problem with all attendees receiving these. (Still check your inbox if it says 0)

Suggestion and doesn't really concern me, but could you not just put like a folder on the side where you can keep old and new newsletters?

Tafflaff (Rob):
There a folder already, its Site news or DW Rally announcements People need to log in thought to check these. :)

Think that makes perfect sense Rob, and in case a member can't log on I guess there's always the phone-a-friend option  ;)


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