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Author Topic: Detecting Wales Rally 82 - ‘I’m not bulling it was a search for Dryland’  (Read 25658 times)
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« on: October 06, 2014, 02:12:04 PM »

Detecting Wales Rally 82 - ‘I’m not bulling it was a search for Dryland’

Sunday saw members old and new return to a trusted area for DW over the bridge and along the coast to Bridgewater. In recent years we have held a couple of rallies in this vacinity, and they have always been relatively productive. The farm itself was a new one for DW and the farmer had assured us that during his tenure of many years he had never allowed a detectorist on his fields. I often take this with a pinch of salt, but in this case he was as good as his word, as most of us spent the whole day digging like moles!

The day started with a fantastic overview by Cheffy, which was the most silent I have ever heard our gathering. It probably had something to do with the mention of an Anglo Saxon graveyard, the largest Roman graveyard in the UK, oh and two motte and baileys within a ten minute walk of the farm.

As soon we were let loose, detectorists headed off in different directions to the various 80 acres of fields in ‘soft as you like stubble condition’ with incredible views of The Quantocks. Interestingly The Quantocks were designated in 1956 as England’s first area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – it was easy to see why.

Within my first 20 steps it dawned on me that it was likely to be one of those days when I spend more of it taking photos than actually detecting. That’s not a bad thing, and my realisation of this was caused by a beaming Dryland who without his specs had little idea that in his hand he held an early Medieval lead vessica seal. It is in fantastic condition (minus loop) and should provide Dylan with a few hours work deciphering the legend and the owners name. Once you’ve done that, head for local parish records (available on line) and see if you can find details regarding the long deceased owner. A great winters project that should keep even Dylan quiet!

I literally turned the camera off and could hear and see a jumping around and wildly dancing ManicDev in the distance. His freaky dancing reminded me somewhat of Bez from the Mondays, although I doubt he ever went detecting. It was too much of a trek for me to go and see, but I bumped into him later when he showed me a hammered coin from Johnny Foreigner that was speculatively being linked to Portugal. It looks like it will be in great condition when its finally unrolled. Keep us updated Dave on what you uncover.

The next find was somewhat of a shock for me as I unearthed only my second ever cut quarter of Henry III. To say I was delighted was an understatement, as finds have been a bit sparse of late and I have been toying with consigning my trusty Explorer II to the attic, leaving the Minelab Alliance and joining the dark side with possibly a Deus. I think I’ll hold back for a few months, but it was good to see the Explorer make a last ditched appeal to be kept as machine #01.

The field I found the quarter in was as close as we could get to the Motte and Bailey that towered above the nearby houses, and as a field on a finds front it was an absolute cracker. I literally picked up two George III coins from the stubble and all around me members seemed to have pockets full of finds. I got to see at least six members with a green copper/brass sort of nail type thing for want of a better description. They were in various sizes, all conical in shape, and were all bent over at the end to seal them. I have included a photo of one below – any ideas anyone as they certainly had us all stumped.
A person who wasn’t stumped on the finds side of things (and please don’t call him stumpy from now on) was Dryland again! This time not content with Medieval vessica seal, he now had a estimated at 22ct gold ring in his hand! I say estimated as the hallmarks were missing, but before we all get too excited on the dating front, you could see a faint ghost image where the ring looked like it had been made smaller. During the process its hallmarks appear to have been lost forever. Nothing like gold though to get the juices running.

Shortly after up popped Hoover G laden with finds including an unusual Tudor hooked fastner receiving end that had been enamelled and was still in tip top condition. He also had a Victorian brooch that looked like it had lost its paste stones, a lead weight and the end of a pewter spoon amongst other items.

The field was littered with Tudor and earlier pottery and strangely trade or coin weights, of which I took at least 6 photos of finds by different detectorists.

Most people seemed to have burgeoning pockets and amongst them notable finds included:

Hoarder – with a mysterious arrow type brooch, part of a stirrup and a Gerogian gilded fob watch dangler in the shape of a rampant lion

Hammerhoid with a King Billy III sixpence and a hammered coin.

Chef Geoff who actually found something for once with a hammered Edward penny.

Bristol Minelab sporting a Edward hammered penny and a more recent milled shilling.

New to DW but not new to detecting, Raven Rook with a Lizzy sixpence, a pile of copper coins and the only Roman fibula of the day. Can anyone shed any light on a date frame please?

Ruzicha with a weight of Henry VIII – the exact same example is in Benets Artefacts book. Also a George fake spade Guinea – “In memory of the good old days” type.

Dom R with a strange ring shaped object that looks like it is incomplete and should hold something. Seen it before somewhere but for the life of me I can’t think where. Any ideas?

Back in the field I was soon greeted by Kikin a regular rally goer who with his team of four always produce interesting finds. Today was not an exception, as he had in his hand the bezel from an early medieval silver and gilt iconographic ring.
Such a shame the band is missing, but what was left clearly illustrated the outstanding skills of the Medieval craftsman, carefully engraved either side of the bezel is what appears to be a knight. On the right hand side he is clearly holding a sword aloft and on the left hand side it would appear to a banner or flag of arms.
A breath taking find that from the reverse of the ring would have been gilded at some point. It’s a long shot, but check your scrap pouches as somewhere in the field is likely to be the rest of the ring and they deserve to be reunited. Well done Kikin on such an inspiring find, you know what needs to be done from here.

Heading back to the car for one final time I happened upon a glimmering piece of flint that was a good 3 inches long and had been napped all over the place. Sharp as a razor and could certainly still skin a rabbit with it now, although I actually felt like skinning Mike the Hobbit when I saw what he had waiting to show me.

Mike had uncovered the first Papal Bulla ever found on a DW rally. These things are as rare as hens teeth and were used to seal a papal document, normally from a decree via the pope. Mike’s is from Alexander II 1061-1073 who came from a noble family in Milan.  In theory it still belongs to the Vatican and unless Mike wants to face an eternity of damnation as Lucifers plaything, he should return it. If however he quite fancies hanging out with Lucifer and his debauched gang just hang on to it! Anyway it’s a new find for DW of the highest order. Now where the other half gone?

Here comes the science behind reading a bulla:

‘On the obverse it depicted (originally somewhat crudely) the early fathers of the Church of Rome, the apostles Peter and Paul, identified by the letters Sanctus PAulus and Sanctus PEtrus (thus, SPA •SPE or SPASPE). Paul, on the left, was shown with flowing hair and long pointed beard composed of curved lines, while Peter, on the right, was shown with curly hair and shorter beard made of dome-shaped globetti (beads in relief). Each head was surrounded by a circle of globetti, and the rim of the seal was surrounded by an additional ring of such beads, while the heads themselves were separated by a depiction of a cross.[3] On the reverse was the name of the issuing pope in the nominative Latin form. This disc was then attached to the document either by cords of hemp (in the case of letters of justice, and executory) or by red and yellow silk (in the case of letters of grace) that was looped through slits in the vellum of the document. Bulla is the name of this seal, because whether of wax, lead, or gold, the material making the seal had to be melted to soften it and take on an impression: Latin bullire, "to boil".’

I am sure there are plenty of other finds that you will all want to add to this post, so feel free to attach them.

Thanks to the farm owners for hosting us, and their invitation to return not only to this farm next year, but also to another sizable plot of land they have in the same area in March 2015. Well done Taff on finding the farm in the first place. As I have always said, we only ever take you places we want to detect, and the quality of the finds underlined that once again today.

The infamous Santa Hats rally is just around the corner, and before that momentous event there should be a few more rallies lined up.

Until next time I see you in a field.

Keep the Faith


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There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 02:13:03 PM »

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 02:20:56 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 02:13:21 PM »

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 02:32:38 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 02:13:36 PM »

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 02:42:12 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 02:33:17 PM »

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 02:50:26 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 02:36:20 PM »

Hi Folks,

Fab day yesterday, great weather, friendly crowd, easy digging, what more can you ask for?

I had a few nice finds, I think they are a Lizzy penny, a Charles I half groat and a 17th century token. Any corrections or embelishments upon my identification is most welcome.


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Chef Geoff
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« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2014, 02:49:28 PM »

Nice finds Kevin the good news is your a bit out with the "Token" it's a French jetton from the 15th-16th century and in pretty good condition too....
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« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2014, 03:07:01 PM »

Has to go down as one of the best rallies for me, I'm well chuffed. Thanks to everybody who set this one up and to everyone who attended.
As always the camaraderie among everyone is the one thing that makes these days so enjoyable and the finds are a bonus.
                          A great write up Neil, but me quiet through the winter........ in your dreams  Grin Grin
                                                            Regards......... Stumpy Roll Eyes Grin

P.S thanks to Chefy for I.D ing my lump of lead,  Huh

If money is the root of all evil,why can't we spend parsnips ?
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« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 03:07:09 PM »

Well done to everyone for those lovely finds, looks like a good day was had by many of you. ATB AJ
Tafflaff (Rob)
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« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2014, 03:19:46 PM »

Gutted I could not make this rally. I've been working on getting this farm for three years. Still, nice to see such great finds come up  Smiley

There is only so many times one can turn the other cheek.
Chef Geoff
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« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2014, 03:20:03 PM »

Raven there's not really enough info with that photo to be 100% brooches like Roman coins can hold the most important information on the back but going by what's left and the way the top flattens off I'd be fairly happy to say it's a Dolphin brooch and so dates from around 43AD through to 90AD Wink
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« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2014, 03:21:13 PM »

great report as usual neil , a lovely day , good company stunning views and great finds made by many thanks to all involved in arranging the day .

as to my new life of eternal damnation well I guess I better get used to it  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

iv found many lovely items over the years but the papal bulla rates for me my best find ever  Smiley Smiley Smiley


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« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2014, 03:32:20 PM »

Nice finds Kevin the good news is your a bit out with the "Token" it's a French jetton from the 15th-16th century and in pretty good condition too....

Ahhh, nice one! Thanks Chef. I am very pleased.  Grin

Chuffed with my first ever Charles I coin as well.
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« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2014, 03:35:36 PM »

Some lovely finds made - well done all.

Great rally. Lovely farm - what a view once again and great digging ground. For myself, I found some copper coins, buttons, and an unknown badge [below]. Also found this fragment which looks interesting - any ideas or is it just junk?

See you all next rally hopefully.

MT [Iain]

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« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2014, 04:43:17 PM »

Great rally thanks ot  all 

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