My Famous Ancestors

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Jonola (Jon):
My first famous ancestor I will list is the Royal Academy painter George Horler. Victorian painter mainly to be found on the top of chocolate boxes these days. Big in his time though. Seen a couple on the antiquea road show. They go for 5 figures!

Wow , those are nice Jon, something to be proud of , who are the rest ? Interesting stuff!

Wow  Jon I would never have guessed. Have seen the Horler paintings but fancy him being a distant relation. In another time we would be calling you Ma Lord.  :D :D

Jonola (Jon):
As there were only about 100 Horlers in Britain in 1881 it shows its not a common name. North Somerset surname. We all originate from a man with the rather wonderful surname of Hercules Horler.

Here is another Royal Academy painter in my family line. Joseph Horler.

This may be a dull question but can you paint or draw well,if so do you need a manager ;)


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