RIP Tom Woodruff



Published in Brecon an Radnor newspaper the sad news of Tom Woodruff has passed away in June of this year.

On behalf of the present members of BreconMDCwe wish to offer our condolences to Janet, and Tom's family and close friends.

Those of you who were members in the very first Brecon MDC when it was first formed, plus a couple of members including myself in the present Brecon MDC will remember Tom and his surviving partner Janet who were regular members until I believe 2011/12.
Whereby  they both continued afterwards independantly to detect the Brecon area.

On several occasions since, Tom and I would meet usually out shopping and stop for a catchup natter, he was the perfect Gent.

Val Beechey:
Not a member I knew but it’s always very sad to hear of a fellow detectorist passing.

My condolences to those left behind.

Stred (Steve):
My condolences to Janet and all of Tom's family.
We were members together at the Brecon MDC. 🙏🏼


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