

stuck g2 on 80 to 85 sens /gain  put it in disc on 35 and bingo coins coins coins  new ones old pennys  3 half pennys george the 5th and would you adam and eve it a 2007 2 s african rand not worth much but to me yippie .had sens on 100 but it was to nosiey  wonder if im losein depth when im in 80 to 85 though . ps nearly 4 got and a isle of man 5p wonder how they got there . ;D

I also have a G2.....

Great machine, I addapted a detech ultimate 33 DD coil to mine to compensate for any depth loss by running in silent moed ( discrimination )
I run mine at 38 and 90 or 90+ sens...
Ive had some GGGGGGGRRRRRREEEEAAAAT finds... ;)


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