Success within two swings

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Chef Geoff:
I had a phone call this morning before work asking if there was any chance I could try and find a charm bracelet that had been lost by the callers young daughter. Unfortunately it was lost last Saturday in a busy child's play area of the local park, so although I said yes I had a nasty feeling it may have been already picked up as the grass is very short.

I have just got back after spending the last hour there and success I found it within the first minute, I had jokingly said to Taff I was going for a play in the sand pit but that was exactly where I found it. The mother was in disbelief at how easily I found it (so was I ;D). And yes Taff there was a crystal on it lol
I then had to entertain the other children and mums by showing how if they hid coins the machine would find them.......never again ::).
As is normal I refused any form of payment but my act of goodwill was rewarded in another way............On my way out of the park I just trailed the Explorer over the flower border in vain hope, more nulling than signalling as the soil was brought in to landscape the park about 10 years ago and it's full of nails. when a definite low rasp came from the speaker (I had taken the headphones off to entertain the audience). I quickly looked around to make sure no one in authority was lurking and just pulled away a few clumps of soil to be greeted with this little beauty.
A Charles I Rose halfpenny.

Tafflaff (Rob):
I hate him  ;D

LOL!! Straight to the point Rob! That is an excellent ending/reward to the day, well done on finding both the bracelet and coin!!

thats soo cool!! you lucky thing!!! karma at its best!x

davtec (dave):
well done got your reward for the good deed ;D ;D ;D


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