Interesting Field-One for Paul


Val Beechey:
Hi Paul
As you've volunteered to help I thought I'd return to this field. I asked you about it some months ago and you said it would be difficult to comment without seeing it from the ground. Well I had an idea, Google Road View.
I was surprised when I looked 1st time, I didn't expect the field to be raised.
Have att. airial and road views, what do you think.


You are right Val. It does look suspiciously something. If they are cropmarks on the aerial pics the shape to me would say Iron Age. Any chance of a field walk some time see what you can find.

Val Beechey:
Hi Paul, glad you're interested. I keep going back to it and wondering. It's a mixed animal farm so nows a good time, only sheep out at mo.
I'll have a ride down and ask, when it stops raining. Does that mean techting in all metal again ? :-\ last field I did that in gave me backache for a fortnight. ???


Might be worth a visit if it is being ploughed sometime soon. Fields that are ploughed regularly can be barren for two to three years then suddenly a lot of finds turn up. The soil works in mysterious ways.

Val Beechey:
Unfortunately, Paul, this field and the ajoining ones, as far as I am aware, are never ploughed. Grazing only.
I'm still getting over the enormous dissapointment of finding nothing around my 12th cent. Church so don't know if I can face another huge flop just yet.
Treated myself to 2 hours on a caravan site this afternoon. It's restored my faith the M6. Only did a small strip and came home with a bulging pocket of modern coins and some other bits and pieces.
So that proves one thing. If it's not TOO deep I'l find it. ;D



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