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Author Topic: Detecting Wales Rally 86 - Kings, Queens & Tokens  (Read 20105 times)
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« on: April 13, 2015, 03:14:13 PM »

Detecting Wales Rally 86 - Kings, Queens & Tokens

The early morning journey to Leominster seemed to fly by, largely helped along the way with tales of my ongoing war with a resident mouse, Mike’s unhealthy Grog addiction and the merits of pulled pork sandwiches.

We were soon at the parking location, aided by an excellent signage job undertaken the evening before by Da Monkey. Well done on doing this and liaising with the farmer, it certainly made our lives a lot easier. Thanks Andy.

Usual routine followed, along with a brief description of the area we had to play with, which consisted mainly of pasture (that had been ploughed in recent history) and one strip of freshly ploughed, rolled and seeded land. It literally was as fresh as they come, the farmer was doing it as we gathered.

At 9.30 on the dot, we were off into the fields with high hopes of the odd hammered coin being found. I don’t think any of us ever imagined that we would be discovering over 20 hammered silver coins!

The first of the day feel to the aptly named Win, who was certainly a winner today with a Lizzy sixpence that he found in the gateway between the first two fields heading immediately down towards the farm.  God knows how many of us trampled over it as we moved between the fields.

Shortly after that I spoke to Dave Hart who was now the owner of a somewhat sacred find to those from South Wales’ green and pleasant land, in the shape of a crotal bell. They just never seem to turn up in South Wales, but certainly do in abundance as soon as you hit the borderlands. Along with the bell he also had a pellet and line decorated spindle whorl, a belter of a 1700’s buckle and I also heard later that he picked up a hammered, but never got to see it.

Mike the Hair was next up, with a lovely profiled Eddy coin – I make that five hammered coins for Mike in four outings this year. I’m obviously doing something wrong as I’ve not even had a sniff of struck coinage this year. Maybe his power come from his ever increasing hair?

Plenty of new faces attended today and I hope we made you feel more than welcome. It was great chatting to you and seeing some of your finds, that included a grotty Roman sestertious for one of the newbies and a nice George III penny for another. Its all a learning curve chaps, stick with it and the rewards do follow eventually. Feel free to use ask along the way though if you need help.

Next up came Rod, with a fair old lump of silver that he wasn’t sure was silver, luckily I had my eagle eyes with me today and could see a hallmark on the side. An interesting silver lid that was emblazoned with the name Rudge Whitworth. Rod commented he was going to add it to the top of a walking stick. I just did a bit of research and it would appear that Rudge Whitworth is an early manufacturer of bicycles and motor bikes. Quite a collectable and I dare say valuable item Rod!

A cracker of a silver thimble that had sadly been squashed appeared next with early writing of the initials SAR. It’s a thing of beauty and should be quite easy to have reshaped. Any jeweller should be capable of doing it for a small charge.

The next 30 minutes started with an animal stampede! First up were some marauding sheep and lambs. Who were legging it in a playful manner from field to field. Shortly after they were followed by some Aberdeen Angus long horns who were just strolling through towards the farm for their lunch. They were then followed by what was surely the largest bull in the UK, who to be quite frank just sauntered his way along and why not, when you are that size you can just do whatever you want to. Everyone wisely gave him a very wide berth. As you know, you are all responsible for your own Health and Safety when it comes to livestock and thankfully he was pretty placid.

The winds picked up along with the find rate, with the hammered coins flying in like bees to a hive.

Soft Top was particularly happy, as he had his first hammered since we revisited Rooksbridge some two years ago. He was joined by Radnor Bandit with two hammered coins – a cut half Plantagenet short cross and a pierced Charles II. Steven King and Melonhead both added hammered coinage, as did numerous other finders. I lost track to be quite honest of who found what on the hammered front, but I know we got into the early 20’s!

Throughout the day, numerous lead tokens surfaced of all manner of design, including the early pelleted ones. There was one particular find that looked like a token, but also reminded me of an earlier coinage – its posted in the last section of photos. Any ideas?

It wasn’t just hammered silver though as plenty of milled silver surfaced including a shilling of William III and one of Victoria. Along with love token sixpences, George III sixpences, three pences and even a fake King Billy sixpence.

Wet Feet Again recovered a Silver Georgian Spoon that will reshape easily from the pasture gate leading into the ploughed field. Judging by the font of the ET inscription its certainly early 1800’s and someone certainly needed to ‘call home’.

Big Chris had a lump of a Lizzy sixpence dated 1566, along with a XXX coin weight and a cut quarter of ‘Johnny Foreigner’ that I speculatively thought may be Portugese/Spanish.

I think the find of the day though belonged to Trout Master Funk. After years of getting sand between his toes, he has recently headed inland to see what mud on a welly feels like. After many attempts, he had finally managed to unearth his first ever hammered. None too shabby either as it was a Calais Minted unclipped groat of Henry VI – I can assure you they won’t all be of that quality. Congratulations, I am sure it was worth the wait.

Mike and I had to leave around 4:30, but I know of more coinage being found and it’s the first time I have seen the car park so busy that late in the day. You were obviously all enjoying yourselves.

There is definitely more to be found there and if you are up for it, I think a return visit in a year or so may well reap similar rewards. Well done Mike on finding such a great farm.

In other news, we are currently working on a rally location that as far as I am aware nobody has ever considered. It’s all a tad ‘hush-hush’ at the moment and more news to follow on that over the next month or so. We are also in the early planning stages of the Annual Two Day event. Keep checking in a Wales’ premier metal detecting forum for more information.

Until next time. Keep The Faith.


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There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 03:19:18 PM »

More finds

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There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2015, 03:25:12 PM »

And Again

Any ideas on the long bronze pointy item?

Also anyone confirm that the last photo is speculatively a Bronze Age toggle? Its been bugging me since I saw it. I know what it is I just cant remember!

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There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 4973

« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 03:31:54 PM »

Last few

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There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
Rally attendee
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Posts: 41

« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 03:43:49 PM »

And Again

Any ideas on the long bronze pointy item?

Also anyone confirm that the last photo is speculatively a Bronze Age toggle? Its been bugging me since I saw it. I know what it is I just cant remember!

The curved lead thing in this batch of photos - what is that? And what size is it?  I found something vaguely similar there yesterday, but thought it was just a blob of lead...would be cool if it turned out to be an *actual thing*...  Grin

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« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 03:52:44 PM »

That will be a shy cock. Used as a lead target instead of a live chicken when that becameviewed as a bit out of order on the chickens behalf!

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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Posts: 41

« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 03:57:36 PM »

That will be a shy cock. Used as a lead target instead of a live chicken when that becameviewed as a bit out of order on the chickens behalf!

So now I know what a shy cock is... Grin  Metal detecting is such an enlightening hobby...last week I discovered Victorian skirt-lifters, and now shy's just one big smutty innuendo!   Grin

Having checked back at my little lead find, it's not as detailed as the pic so may just be a little lump of lead after all...will take a photo later and let you decide whether it's a case of 'willing it to be something' syndrome...

Thanks again!
Chef Geoff
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« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 04:01:56 PM »

A brilliant low-down on the day there Neil and what a cracking rally wow! Personally I think the shy cock idea is more the eye of faith with a big dollop of hope mixed in and looks more like window leading given the groove.
On the down side Deadlock who did the land survey for this rally and contacted me straight afterwards has as you probably know been in hospital and sadly I have to report he has had a relapse or I should say he will have as soon as I get hold of him Angry
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« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2015, 04:04:18 PM »

Try again

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 04:06:58 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 04:12:02 PM »

Dont post a minute - more

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 04:13:53 PM by Neil » Logged

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging urge to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.

Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

If anyone wants to sell any S c r a p gold or sovereigns, regardless of condition -  ask me for a price first please.
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« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2015, 05:03:45 PM »

great report and pics neil , a great day had by all , we will be going back there again next year for sure  Wink

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« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2015, 05:36:39 PM »

Cheers Neil for the write up cash in the post lol  Wink
Chainsaw Bampy
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« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2015, 05:39:53 PM »

very nice finds everyone,  pity i couldn,t go, maybe next time, well done everyone.
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« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2015, 05:56:00 PM »

Great finds, well done everyone Smiley
Val Beechey
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« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2015, 07:37:20 PM »

Neil, is the long pointy thing a fighting cock spur  ?  sure I've seen one similar.

Great write up again.  Well done all the finders  Wink


Ever Optimistic, it's out there somewhere - And I Found it

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