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Jonola (Jon):
I joined last week. Anyone else a member as I'd like to ask advice on how to search it if anyone could help. Also willing to do look ups if anyone needs one.

Val Beechey:
Hi Jon

Hubbies been a member for 4 years. I've used it though not recently but could prob. help if you need it.


Jonola (Jon):
Great stuff! What I'd like to do is search an address on the Census and not search for people. I had the 1881 Census on CDs and you were able to search a particular vicinity on that but I can't find a way of doing it on It's driving me nuts! I know where the family lived in 1901 but through being wrongly transcribed or something I can't find them...most irritating  :-\ Any help appreciated.

Jonola (Jon):
The family changed their names en masse from TURK to MILLS so something was afoot. I would never have tracked them down except for a converstaion with an octogenarian aunt twenty odd years ago. Glad I wrote it all down at the time.

HI Jon,

I am a member of Ancestry. You should be able to search for a particular address on advanced search.

I will have a go and let you know how I did it if its possible.



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